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National Qualifications Framework

Bachelor (3-4)yearsCommunity colleges (2)yearsVocational EducationVocationalHigh School EducationAcademicBasic EducationAQACHEITVSDC & BAUTVSDCMOE & TVSDC1- SEMI SKILLED2- SKILLED3- CRAFTSMAN4- TECHINICAL5- SPECIALIZED

About Us


Despite different terminologies brought about by many international organizations, regarding technical and vocational education and training (TVET), they all have similar objectives towards the WBL; which are none other than instilling skills at the real place of work, with a focus on the importance of connecting learning with working environments in order to instill real skills that contribute to an influx of trained and UpToDate labour into the work market that is abreast with today`s needs; and based on knowing what the market needs.

    In Jordan, the Belgium Development Agency - Enabel, has taken it upon itself, and through its program “Qudra 2” and its project “Developing skills for employability of Syrian Refugees and vulnerable Jordan Youth”, to instill a Jordanian concept on work-based learning to develop a unified Jordanian model, that focuses on elevating the level of workers and developing employability skills among youth of both genders, to equip them with professional certifications - and most importantly, to promote their chances of getting work.

Creation of the WBL Model

Towards the achievements of Qudra2 - Enabel objectives, pertaining to developing Jordan work-based learning (WBL) model, Enable organized four webinars during the period 13-20 September 2020 involving participants from local and international stakeholders in the employment, vocational and technical education and training sector, Participants engaged in an enriching discussion of issues related to WBL approach and a review of international and national experiences, best practices, and lessons learned as an initial step towards preparation for developing and adopting WBL model tailored to the Jordanian context of the employment sector and vocational and technical education and training.

Efforts continued to follow up on the outcomes of the webinars through the formation of three working groups composed of participants representing the various stakeholders in the employment and TVET sector assigned to develop the draft Jordan WBL model learning and relevant delivery plan.

The Three working groups held on November 16th, 17th, and 18th 2020, to discuss the practical steps towards building the Jordan WBL model, according to the roles and responsibilities of the following main stakeholders:


Labor Market enterprises


Vocational Education and Training providers


Sectoral Skill Development Councils (SSDCs)

The WBL Model has been developed through the participatory approach, which has been adopted in implementing the three stakeholders working groups, in compliance with the local context of the Jordanian ETVET sector. The premise that collaboration among the concerned stakeholders in developing work approaches and technical and vocational training programs responsive to the changing needs of the Labour market, and increasing employment opportunities is considered critical, accordingly, the WBL Model has been blessed by a task force that includes 10 members representing the Jordanian TVET sector stakeholder.

Press Releases



This website was established with the financial support of the European Union the Government of Germany, and the Government of Spain.
Its contents are the sole responsibility of the Belgian development agency (Enabel Jordan) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union, the German Government and the Spanish Cooperation

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